Joni Bella (Liquid Jaggery Syrup)

Joni bellas is  a Pure form of Jaggery. This liquid concentrate Jaggery is made from the naturally grown Sugarcanes in Sirsi and Siddapura regions of Westernghats in Karnataka. This sweet Jaggery syrup ideal for cooking and consumption with Dosa, Chaptai, etc direrectkly. This isa a healthy replacement of Sugar in your food! 

This Joni Bella variety is purely in Liquid form (Joni Syrup or Jaggey Syrup) form. We also have Semi Solid Joni Bella option. Search for Joni Bella (Semi Solid Jaggery) in our product list.


  • Made from 100% Naturually grown Sugarcane
  • No Chemicals / Preservatives added.
  • Rich source of many vital minerals inluding iron and antioxidants
  • Treat a variety of digestive issues. 
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